Friday, August 14, 2015

Multiplication is for White People Meeting #4

Sadly our time together as an amazing intellectual think-tank for racial justice in education is coming to a close.  Meeting #4 took place on Wednesday and the conversation was hotter than ever.  We touched on issues from anger at the corporate reform movement to testing to project-based learning to talking with our colleagues about the importance of recognizing white privilege and racial-bias in every aspect of educating children.  Whew! It was intense.

Thank you to all who participated.  A shout out to Jason Javier-Watson who came to every single meeting!  And another shout out to Tomika, Delilah and Sheila for facilitation.  And finally a shout out to everyone who brought snacks because they were so tasty.

Attached are a couple pictures from the last meeting and a mind map that illustrates some of the things we created.  Please email me if you would like to protest photos of you being posted.  I will take it down.  (Just FYI, mind-mapping is something I use with my students which is especially great for doodlers, but it takes a little training to help them get and connect all the main points. The end result is always powerful.)

Be sure to read the Next Steps part of the email you received.  Thanks!


Thanks Jessica Shupik and Tomika's Daughter for taking photos!

1 comment:

  1. Reading and talking about these issues is making me more and more angry. It was especially enlightening to and infuriating to discuss how still using the framework of standardized tests is causing more problems than solutions. Jason talked about how people who are really advocating for better teachers for students of color are using test scores as the only way they can see how to get rid of the teachers they see as failing their kids. We talked about how this is short sighted because it will lead to teacher shortages as professional leave the field in droves. Administrators will have no choice but to hire even less experienced teachers.

    It was refreshing to hear others echo that what teachers really need is professional learning communities. I am lucky that I can find these communities ing TAG, WE, and the Philadelphia Teaching Learning Cooperative (PTLC). I lamented to the group how I used to head the PD committee at my school and helped organize teacher created professional development based on what we as a school saw was needed. However, I quit the PD committee at the end of the past year because the only PD we could do all year was scripted powerpoints handed down from our former cheif academic officer. Sheila said that creating and advocating for professional learning communities within schools will be a big push in WE this year. This is making me think that I gave up too easily. I can always go to my PLCs outside of school for help and support, but what about the teachers in my school who need PLCs but are unable or unwilling to look outside? Yet, the principal follows the administration. Will there be any room or respect for PLCs?
